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Nityananda Khanal

Nityananda Khanal

Agriculture and Agri Food Canada, Canada

Title: Adaptive but static: seed yield responses of creeping red fescue (Festuca rubra L. ssp. rubra) to environmental and management factors in the peace river region of western Canada


Biography: Nityananda Khanal


Peace River region covering about 230,000 square kilometers around 55° north latitude and 119° west longitude is the north western agricultural frontier of Canada. The cropping environment is typified by long photoperiods during short growing season and predominance of acidic luvisolic soils with poorly developed profile. This region has evolved to be one of the major pockets of seed production of forages and turf-grasses which are exported to 34 countries with major proportion destined to the USA, China, Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Denmark and Argentina. Creeping red fescue seed constitutes major bulk of export with primary use as turf-grass for lawns and gulf courses in the temperate regions. Despite being one of the pioneer crops in the region, relatively few publications exist about yield constraints analysis and optimal crop management practices. The knowledge and technology gaps are manifested by the stagnation in seed yield of the crop. This presentation synthesizes the results of studies on creeping red fescue in the Peace River region. Relevant information will also be excerpted from studies about the temperate forage seed crops to identify potential agronomic options and knowledge gaps for enhancing the seed yield of creeping red fescue.

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