Siphiwe F. Mkhize
Head of Department
KwaZulu-Natal Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
South Africa
Dr. Siphiwe Felix M. Mkhize was employed by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) , as the Head of Provincial and State Owned Entities Performance Monitoring . Previously h e was posted abroad as M inister Counselor (Agriculture), at the Embassy of South Africa in the United States of America. He represent ed the South African Agricultural interest in the Americas with accreditation to South African Missions in Canada, Cuba and Mexic o from September 2001 to July 2010 . Pr ior Dr. Mkhize is an experienced agricultural and development practitioner who has both South African and international experience. He has worked on all levels of agriculture (policy, planning , monitoring and impleme ntation). He has represented South African agricultural sector on various for ums abroad and locally. Dr. Mkhize has training in various fields of agriculture (agronomy and soils) , sustainable development and international diplomacy . He holds a Diploma i n Irrigation Sciences from Mediterranean Agronomic Institute (MAI), in Bari , Italy, a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in Agronomy (Agriculture) from Iowa State University , USA, a Master of Science (MSc) degree in Soil Chemistry and Fertility from Universit y of Reading, in England, second Masters ( MPhil ) degree in Philosophy (Applied Ethics) in Environment from the University of Stellenbosch and a PhD in sustainable ecological management from the University of Pretoria , where he wr o t e his dissertation under Prof AS van Jaarsveld the current Vice Chancellor of University of KwaZulu Natal. He is registered as a Professional Natural Scientist ( Pr Nat Sc) with the South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions a nd al s o with the American Registry of Cer tified Professionals in Crops and Soils (ARCPCS) as a Professional Agronomist (CPAg). He is a member of the South African Soil Science Society and the American Society of Agronomy. He has written a number of papers in the field of agriculture, developmen t, ethics and agricultural biotechnology, and he is the author of two book s titled: Towards Hope and Challenge Agricultural Biotechnology and the Catholic Social Teachings: A Catholic Ethic for Agriculture, Environment, Faith and Food (2004 ) and .. . AND THE EYES OF ALL LOOKED AT HIM Understanding the Mystery of the Ministry of Permanent Diaconate (2014).
Research Interest
Agriculture Science, Plant science,Fisheries and Forestry