Viktor Balabanov
Professor, Dean of the faculty, Processes and machinery in agribusiness
Russian State Agrarian University
Russian Federation
Balabanov Viktor, Doctor of technical sciences, professor, Dean of the faculty "Processes and machinery in agribusiness" Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A Timiryazev (RSAU – MAA named after K.A. Timiryazev), Head of Sub Committee (SC 8) "Radio navigation and control system in agriculture" of the Technical Committee for Standardization (TC 363) "Radio navigation" Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart). Author of over 300 scientific and educational works, including 25 monographs, scientific journals and popular science books, 25 descriptions of inventions. and 11 on scientific research reports. Accredited experts of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Innovation Center "Skolkovo".
Research Interest
Agriculture Science, Agribusiness, Agriculture Biotechnology, Agriculture Engineering