Narendra Kumar Gontia
Principal and Dean, College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology
Junagadh Agricultural University
Dr. Narendra Kumar Gontia, born on July 24, 1961 did B.Tech. (Agril.Engg.) in 1983. He did his M.Tech. (SWCE) and Ph.D. Agril. Engg. from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur in 1991 and 2006 respectively. He is bestowed with prestigious Jawaharlal Nehru Award for Out-standing Post-Graduate Agricultural Research 2007 by ICAR, New Delhi for his Ph. D. contribution in Soil and Water Conservation Engg. Presently working as Principal and Dean, Agril Engg. and Technology, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh. He has 33 years of experience in field and academics in Agril. Engg. He has served in faculty of College of Agril Engg. and Technology, Junagadh since 30 years and hold various positions viz. Professor and Head, Dept. of SWE and Research Engineer, AICRP on Groundwater Utilization. He is the recipient of S.J. Hiran Memorial award Year 2001-02 and Distinguished Services Certificate award 1998-99 from ISAE, New Delhi for his contribution in Agricultural Engineering profession. He has good number of publications in national and international journals. He has supervised One Ph. D. and Eleven PG (M.Tech.) Theses in SWE and Seventeen UG projects. He is member of Academic Council, Research council, Extension Education council and Library council of JAU, Junagadh. He is Life Member of Nine professional societies.
Research Interest
Agriculture Science, Horticulture Science