N Varadarajulu Naidu
Director of Research
Acharya N.G.Ranga Agricultural University
Dr. N.V.Naidu born in 1957 in a hamlet of Chittoor district, Andhra Pradesh was Graduated from S.V. Agricultural College, Tirupati, A.P and obtained B.Sc (Ag) degree in 1979 and Master & Doctoral degree majoring in Genetics & Plant Breeding in 1981 & 1990 respectively from College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, APAU (Presently renamed as Acharya N.G Ranga Agricultural University). He joined in service in the A.P Agricultural University in 1983 as Research Assistant and worked in various cadres viz Assistant Research Officer in Pulses & Groundnut, Breeder in Sugarcane, Principal Scientist (Sugarcane), Associate Director of Research, Associate Dean, Director (Seeds), Professor & University Head, Department of Genetics & Plant Breeding and Director of Extension at various research Institutions & Colleges of ANGRAU. He has developed 23 improved varieties in Groundnut, Pulses, Sugarcane besides implementable technologies and recommended for commercial application. He was actively involved in the transfer of technologies to the benefit of farming community. He has published more than 100 research papers in national & international journals; number of popular articles & presented research papers in various Seminars, Symposia, Workshops and Conferences. His research contributions were recognised by the competent authorities and presented awards/prizes/appreciations by the university, Government of Andhra Pradesh and NGOs. Some of them include Best Research Worker by ANGRAU, Best Sugarcane Scientist by Sugarcane Growers Association, M/S KCP Sugar & Indcor, Ugadi Puraskharam by Government of Andhra Pradesh, Rythu Nestham by NGO, Gold and Silver medals for best research papers by SISSTA & STAI and Best team work award for Quality Seed Production by AICRP on NSP (Crops). He is a family member of IMRF and is participating in the conferences organised by IMRF since 2014. Presently working as Director of Research is guiding & coordinating research and development activities in ANGRAU.
Research Interest
Agriculture Science, Horticulture Science, Agricultural Biotechnology