Indrajeet Chaubey
Professor and Head, Departments of Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Purdue University
Lack of clean water to meet society’s needs is recognized as one of the major challenges of modern times by the National Academy of Engineering. Dr. Chaubey’s research is focused on improving water quality and watershed management by integrating field data collection and mathematical modeling, and developing simulation models and tools that will guide policy decision makers, watershed managers, conservation specialists and farmers. Dr. Chaubey is unique in his integration of simulation modeling and innovative field research to improve our understanding of various rainfall-runoff and pollutant transport processes at field, stream reach and watershed scales. Dr. Chaubey is leading efforts nationally and internationally in quantifying how land use changes due to recent demand for biofuel production, agricultural intensification, and urbanization will impact water availability, water quality, and ecosystem services. His research improves watershed management decisions so that resource allocations and resulting water quality improvements can be optimized. Dr. Chaubey has published more than 400 research articles, including 105 peer reviewed journal articles and more than 180 technical papers in various conferences, and has given 50 invited presentations at various regional, national, and international conferences. He has won numerous honors and awards including New Holland Young Researcher Award, ADS/Hancor Soil and Water Conservation Award, Purdue Agricultural Research Award, Purdue University Faculty Scholar, Seed for Success Award, and Outstanding Research Award.
Research Interest
Ecohydrology, Source Pollution Engineering, Future of Water Resources, Design in Biological Engineering, Natural Resources Engineering, Nonpoint Source Pollution Engineering, Modeling and Simulation, NPS Pollution Control and Modeling,