Shubhangi Salokhe
Symbiosis Institute of International Business, India
Title: Tissue Culture: A Boon for Agriculture
Biography: Shubhangi Salokhe
By 2050, the world’s population will reach 9.1 billion, 34 percent higher than today. Agricultural production must be sufficient to feed us at present and also in the future and with a rising population, growing more food at affordable prices becomes more important. Worldwide demand for food can be satisfied either by increasing the area under production or by improving productivity on existing farmland. It is important to adopt new technologies that ensure optimum results. Availability of disease and pest-free, true to type planting material is an important prerequisite for achieving the desired yield improvement. Biotechnology can provide appropriate new tools for use in solution of specific problems in sustainable agriculture. There is an impact of a new set of agricultural technologies emerging from the fields of biotechnology having potential to advance sustainable agriculture. Tissue culture is not only a popular mean of clonal propagation of many uniform plants but also the most viable and successful method for the production of pathogen free stock material. The technique of plant tissue culture may play a key role in the “Second Green Revolution’’ in which biotechnology and gene modification are being used to improve crop yield and quality.