Biography: Ransford Opoku Darko
Crop production depends on the successful implementation of the agricultural and water management technologies. Water is the scarcest resource and the importance of the judicious use of water in agricultural sector for sustaining agricultural growth and the retardation of environmental degradation needs no further elaboration. Water scarcity in agriculture is becoming a major problem due to increasing demand from non-agricultural uses and intensive crop management on existing croplands to meet the needs of an expanding global population. Efficient use of the available irrigation water is therefore of important concern. Even though intensive research in the areas of crop physiology, irrigation engineering, agronomy, and agricultural economics has developed several ways to improve the efficiency of irrigation water, a multidisciplinary approach is often regarded as the best future path to achieve further enhancements in meeting the forthcoming challenge of producing more and safety foods. The study reports on irrigation, water management is an important tool in ensuring food security on the globe. It emphasizes on the future of irrigation technologies focusing on providing the leadership and capacity to capture, develop and promote new irrigation practices and management systems to optimize production.