Sani Yusuf Ahmad
Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria
Title: Identifi cation and description of some common ornamental plant species at Ahmadu bello University Zaria, Nigeria
Biography: Sani Yusuf Ahmad
A survey was conducted in the year 2014 at the premises of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria (11o11’ N, 07o 38’); located at an altitude of 686 m above sea level in the Northern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria with annual average rainfall of about 1060 mm. The area is characterized by distinct two seasons; the dry season, comprising of a cold dry period (harmattan) between November and December, and a hot dry period between April and June. The vital part of this work involved the collection, identification and description of some common ornamental plant species found within the premises of the Institute’s environment and was presented in the form of original coloured photographs, identifying its scientific names, family names, English names and their common names. These ornamental plant species were then classified based on their characteristics, mode of propagation and usage (indoor, outdoor, lawns, potted etc). During the survey, about 70 ornamental plant species comprising a total of 24 species of indoor plants, 18 of shading plants, 25 species of hedge plants and three species of lawns were identified, described and documented accordingly. It is hoped that this work would inspire floriculturist, botanist, gardeners, students and other researchers to contribute further into this interesting and attractive field of horticultural landscaping that is usually ignored or given less attention.