Biography: Nurgul Kitir
Nowadays, the developing countries determined some strategies that target to gain the maximum yield and economic products by using technology on agricultural product as follower of developed countries. The base of these strategies to increase the target productivity amount, the attendance of biodiversity and natural balance sustainability weren’t thought and unbounded chemical input uses have been caused a lot of short and long term environmental problems. It is not enough only to review soil productivity factors and strengthen the soil productivity factors with dense chemical input, to solve the problems that cause degradation of the analyzing and soil productivity limiting factors will compose the important steps. Depending on the dense applications, increasing input uses causes addiction to use increasing chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides to gain the same amount of yield. Also the intensive using of chemicals causes soil degradation. The existing part of the nature as water, air circulation, nutrient element cycle, disease and pathogens auto-control, ion change etc. cycles are effected in the soils that have lost their biodiversity and their lack cycles cause the soil productivity losses. Because of that reasons the supporting activities should be used to increase soil biodiversity. In addition to no till farming systems to use the organic based productions as an input provides the organic material and biodiversity increase in 2-3 years. The gained production will be economic and more production will be provided to the market. Humic acid and derivative organic inputs are provides positive effects on soil contents and problems as high pH, high lime and low organic matter etc. In Turkey there are five places for using leonardite sources as Bursa -Davutlar, Balıkesir-Balya, Adana-Tufanbeyli, Tekirdag-Saray and Konya-Beysehir. NaOH and KOH are used in chemical process to extraction of humic acid and its components but they can be used only in conventional farming and with this chemical process it is not possible to extract of organic acid, amino acid and hormone. Nowadays, organic input sources are very limited and this problem is valid in all areas.