Prashant Kawar
Senior Scientist
Prashant Kawar joined ICAR-CPRI, Shimla in 2014 as Sr. Scientist and led the multi-faceted biotechnology project . He has published 23 research papers in peer reviewed journals, 2 books, 2 book chapters, many popular articles in vernacular languages, 1 biology documents, 2 training manual, 4 invited review papers, more than 20 national and international conference papers, 1500 ESTs sequences, 13 MYB genes, 3 promoters. He was organizing committee member of International Conference on potato held at Shimla in 2015 and actively involved in organizing training programs as well.In 2005, he joined at VSI, Pune as Scientist and leaded the genomics & proteomics group for almost 8 years during his stay identified 13 MYB-TFs and three stress-inducible promoters from sugarcane for stress tolerance. In 2012 he was awarded the prestigious CREST fellowship by DBT-GOI to work at JIC, Norwich, UK on metabolic engineering of tomato to produce high levels of important polyphenolic phytonutrients and explore their usefulness for health promoting benefits for preventing many human diseases or disorders, the findings of this work were published in Nature Communication in 2015.
Research Interest
Agriculture and crop science