Scientific Program

Conference Series Ltd invites all the participants across the globe to attend 11th World Congress on Plant Biotechnology & Agriculture Paris, France.

Day 3 :

  • Sustainable Agriculture | Agricultural Biotechnology & Agro-forestry | Plant Science & Weed Science | Plant Biotechnology | Food Value Chains | Crop Protection and Awareness

Roberto Pasqualino is a System Policy and Risk Scientist at the Global Sustainability Institute and works as a Research Fellow under the Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity in the UK. His research interests are in global sustainability and systemic risk within financial and trade networks, mostly looking at the interconnection between natural resources availability and financial risk. He has demonstrated a passion for global system change and his expertise spans energy and agriculture systems modeling, supply chain management, finance and systemic inequality. His work in sustainability includes sustainable supply chains, global system modeling based on the famous limits to growth World3 model, and agriculture systems risks and complexity.


The complexity of the global agricultural system is a tremendous barrier to the understanding of possible consequences and impacts of policies and business decisions on society at both global and national levels. Aiming at feeding 9 billion people by 2050, agriculture has a fundamental role for human development in providing livelihood to 40% of global population as both food
and energy supplier, and representing a key leverage for most SDGs’ achievement. At the same time agriculture is both a cause of, and the most vulnerable economic sector to, climate change. It consumes above 70% of freshwater withdrawal globally, and is heavily dependent on mineral resources at the cusp of global production. Continuous and cumulative environmental degradation puts agriculture at risk of dangerous ecosystem tipping points including sea level rise, change in nitrogen and phosphorus cycles, and
most frequent and disruptive climatic shocks (i.e. extreme weather events). Aware of the long term risk to human condition on the planet, international agreements and measures will be gradually taken at both international and national levels to coercively bring the world within the ecosystem’s limits in the next decades. Within a complex network of trading countries, such policies might result in economic shocks and cascade effects among countries with implication on their economic performance. A world system computer
model is being developed relying on system dynamics modeling, networks, econometric analysis and public available datasets to model food and energy systems and trade among macro-regions and allows for testing of both climate and policy shocks to assess their possible outcomes and risks in the medium to long term future. The final outcome is to provide policy makers with a data
transparent simulation tool to support clarity and resilience of decision making outcomes while leading on a global scale transition towards sustainability.


Petras Lazauskas has graduated from the Lithuanian Academy of Agriculture. As a Scientist, he started working on the problems of weed control applying a traditional empirical method of cognition. Subsequently, he was involved in a non-chemical weed control using theoretic geo-botanic method of cognition. He has
participated in organic farming and weed control events in Germany, France,  SA, Italy, Sweden, Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia and Russia. In 1997, he has
won a Bursary to attend the British Crop Protection Council Conference in Brighton


The worldwide conventional deep soil tillage by annual ploughing has no proved theoretical fundamentals and is based only on the primitive sensual empirical experience. The greatest disadvantage of this method is its negative impact on the soil: its degradation, soil carbon material mineralization, rising emissions of carbon dioxide, and climate warming. According to the geo-botany theory the typical field crops stands are natural field plant communities (agrophytocenosis). Their cognition productivity therefore should be evaluated from the theoretical point of view. The soil tillage and weed control can been proved by the novel law of crop and weed communities’ performance. This law can be defined as follows: Productivity of a typical field plant community (agrophytocenosis), including overall dry mass of crop and weeds, growing under identical conditions is relatively constant. In general, this phenomenon
can be described by the following equation: A=Y+X b, where A signifies maximum productivity of the whole dry mass of the whole community; Y - crop dry mass yield under the existing growing conditions of the community; X - weed mass; b - yield depression rate, indicating the degree of yield increase or decrease when weed mass changes by one unit. Based on this finding we can predict that this novel field crop performance productivity law will theoretically and practically revolutionize the cognition of soil tillage and weed
control. Consequently, in the nearest future, the soil tillage and weed control disciplines will adopt this theoretical background and modernize the traditional empirical basis of soil tillage technologies. New theoretical cognition will have to reject annual deep plough and apply shallow precise soil tillage. These means will mitigate soil degradation, reduce the amount of carbon dioxide emission into the environment, slow climate warming, and will save costs of the non-regenerative energy in agriculture.


Alvaro Sotomayor is a Forestry Engineer with Doctoral studies in Spain and Masters in the United States. He has focused on the study of the potential of
agroforestry in Chile, as a way of complementing forestry and agriculture with small and medium agricultural producers. His work at the Forestry Institute of Chile, as well as the Ministry of Agriculture, has allowed him to work with more than 1,600 farmers promoting agroforestry, obtaining resources from both the central and regional government, and from research funds.


Statement of the Problem: Since Chilean colonization, agricultural use in the fields has been developing thinking that trees were competitors of agricultural production, and consequently trees were burned or cut, even with state policies that promoted opening of native forests for development of agriculture and livestock. This situation has led to 49.1% of the national soil, equivalent to 36.8 million hectares, with some degree of erosion. The major factors responsible for this erosion have been human action, the geological
processes of the landscape and the climatic aggressiveness.
Methodology & Theoretical Orientation: In Chile, during the last 15 years, an alternative agroforestry model has been studied for small and medium-sized agricultural producers, encouraging the introduction of woody species in the fields, considering the cultural identity, the life system of these producers and the conditions soil and climate. The establishment of trees on the farm is done under a different concept from traditional forest plantations, based on systems in an agroforestry approach.
Results: Thus, with this form of tree introduction, in an agroforestry approach, decreases in erosion processes have been obtained with reduction of soil losses of more than 1,700% in relation to traditional agricultural uses; reduction of wind up to 200% by the establishment of trees in silvopastoral design in prairies for livestock production purposes; increased productivity of forage species by the use of windbreaks by 41%; reduction of contaminants in watercourses through the use of biofilters, mitigation of climate change,
and other social and economic benefits.
Conclusion: This way of reintroducing trees in the fields has been found to have a better acceptance than that of industrial plantations, where 93.1% of the farmers preferred to establish trees in an agroforestry arrangement versus 27.5% disposition to forest with traditional plantations; and, silvopastoral systems and windbreaks were preferred.

Sangwani Gondwe Makoko

African Institute of Corporate Citizenship, Malawi

Title: From farm to table: Rice quantitative value chain in Malawi

Sangwani Gondwe Makoko is a seasoned Agribusiness Specialist. Her current work with Africa Institute of Corporate Citizenship (AICC), Malawi (AICC) entails active involvement in the coordination of the National Rice Development Platform and the Legumes Development Trust whose mandates are to ensure the vibrancy of the rice and legume value chains in Malawi. She has received her Master of Science degree in Agricultural and Applied Economics and a Bachelor of Science degree in Agribusiness from the University of Malawi-Bunda College.


Rice is the second main cereal crop from maize which accounts for 70,000 ha of cultivated land in Malawi. It is also an industrial crop grown by smallholder farmers. For some time yields of rice have been revolving around 1500 kg to 3000 kg against the potential of 4000 kg to 6500 kg which could be achieved if optimal factors of production are applied. Majority of smallholder farmers
have low to medium levels of production and one factor that aggravates the situation is the use of poor quality and over recycled seed. The main players in the rice value chain are smallholder farmers, input suppliers especially fertilizers, middlemen/vendors, processors/packers and government. Each of these players has a unique role to play in the rice value chain and their benefits and challenges also vary. The quantitative value chain study was aimed at assessing the competitiveness of price for the various rice value chain stages and suggests weak links that require attention in order to improve its competitiveness. The study targeted rice growing schemes of Mphinga, Mkondezi, Msenjere, Lifuwu, Domasi, Likangala and Nkhate. Middlemen, traders, transporters, retailers and consumers operating in the schemes were interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire. Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) were used to capture data from smallholder farmers. The study revealed that on average smallholder farmers sold their rice at $0.6 per
kg while retailers got $1.13 per kg indicating a price margin of $0.53 between the two players. Lower prices received by farmers are basically because farmers mostly sell paddy which fetches lower price than milled rice sold by the subsequent players. It is therefore be recommended that smallholder farmers should make use of the cooperatives, bulk their rice, mill and package the rice as a group if they are to be competitive.


Thuzar Linn is a Doctoral student studying in the Department of Business Informatics and Operations Management under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Broos
Maenhout in the Faculty of Economics and Business Administrations at the Ghent University, Belgium. She is currently a Doctorate student. She is an Assistant
Lecturer and has more than 10 years of work experience in teaching and research. She has one international publication in the field of value chain analysis. Her
doctoral research also specializes in the area of value chain analysis.


Statement of the Problem: In this paper, the value chain of rice crop in Ayeyarwady Region, Myanmar is analyzed. The issues with respect to the rice value chain are complex and multifaceted in this region. The challenge for Myanmar is thus to understand and, more importantly, identify the constraints facing the marketing system and develop strategies to overcome these bottlenecks. The purpose of this study is to structure of the rice value chain in Ayeyarwady Region, to analyze the marketing costs and margins of the
various actors along the rice value chain, to study the socio-demographic characteristics of actors and to identify the different types of constraints on the value chain.
Methodology & Theoretical Orientation: The different characteristics of different actors are identified by purposive and simple random sampling methods. The descriptive statistics, cost and return analysis, and marketing cost and marketing margin analysis are used in this study.
Findings: The studied rice value chain encompasses different actors: i.e. farmer, primary collector, miller, wholesaler, retailer and exporter. In this value chain, the millers receive the highest profit share and the farmers have the highest marketing margin distribution. The observed rice value chain is not efficient since the marketing margin is unequally distributed along the chain. The encountered internal constraints are primarily material and production constraints. The external constraints are related to financial, distribution and institutional issues.
Conclusion & Significance: The rice miller is the most profitable actor and the primary collectors and farmers are the most vulnerable actors in the rice value chain. Farm mechanization and improving public and private extension programs are needed to raise the profit of the farmers. The development in infrastructure such as transportation, power supply and banking is needed to support through private-public partnership for the development of the rice value chain sector.


Mxolisi Arnold Stemele is an Entomology Lecturer at the University of Fort Hare, Eastern Cape, South Africa. His research interest includes biological control,
host plant resistance, toxicology, insect-plant interaction chemical ecology, insect pathology and molecular approaches in entomological research. He is currently
working on a project ‘Decision making tools for farmers in pest management’ and ‘Molecular characterization and DNA barcoding of the Lepidoptera stem borers
on cereal crops and natural vegetation’.


Statement of the Problem: In absence of the pest economic thresholds, farmers apply insecticides prophylactically based on calendarsprays with no regard to pest density. In addition, there tends to be no clear guidelines for the integration of the insecticides with the natural pest control. Consequently, the impact of the insecticides on Biological Control (BC) agents (compatibility), the impact of the BC agents on the pest (levels of parasitism), seasonality of pest and BC agent’s populations and the action thresholds (weekly counts) of the insect pests are not taken into account in pest management decision making. This practice constitutes a major threat to biodiversity in agroecosystem and the surrounding environments.
Methods: Population dynamics of Plutella xylostella, an important insect pest of cabbage and its dominant parasitoid, Cotesia vestalis (=plutellae) were investigated on cabbage treated with conventional and a selective insecticide under three insecticide treatment routines. The data was used to develop a simple framework to develop insect pest thresholds and estimate yields through integration of insect density, yield loss ratios, technical efficiencies and damage abetment factors. In addition, the impact of a conventional and a selective insecticide on the BC agents was investigated.
Findings: Plutella xylostella populations varied between the seasons, the conventional and a selective insecticide and the insecticide treatment routines. P. xylostella incidence correlated well with the effective yields and the mean action threshold for the optimal cabbage yields was estimated at as single larvae per plant. Parasitism of P. xylostella was higher in insecticide free and selective insecticide treated crop compared to conventional insecticides.
Conclusion: The results indicated that, while cabbage cannot be cultivated without applications of insecticide against P. xylostella during certain periods of the year, adoption of action thresholds reduce number of sprays. In addition, application of selective insecticides reduces the insecticides impact on the parasitoids population.


Amir Mor-Mussery has his expertise on implementation of sustainable cultivation practices for arid loamy soils. His fields of interests include defying rehabilitation
(or depredation) states of different cultivation practices, planning and monitoring grazing plans for arid rangelands, designing and managing agriculture terraces for
halting runoff and rehabilitation of cultivated areas, savannas planning for increasing rangelands' productivity. He wrote many papers in peer reviewed journals onthese issues and guide students and high school students on these issues.


Statement of the Problem: Many studies were conducted on the ants' life cycles; food supply etc., still their functioning in cultivated arid areas and as result, their rehabilitation efficiency for these areas is poorly analyzed.
Aim: Defining the harvester ants’ impacts on different cultivated arid areas and their potential use for rehabilitation and sustainable management.
Methodology & Theoretical Orientation: A long term study carried out between 2008 and 2017 in the northern Negev (A heavily degraded and desertified area due to maximum levels of mismanagement, by repeated tilling and grazing without fertilizer inputs, fertility or grazing management) in different cultivated areas some conserved and other open lands on the harvester ants Messor ebeninus and M. arenarius functioning.
Findings: Our findings indicate that in tilled areas at the first years after conservation, the harvester ants raised yearly the soil organic matter in by 0.5%, due to their foraging, than by 0.5-1% per year by their nests functioning (which serve as sink for spreading nutrients in the area underground zone). At final state in well managed rainfed Triticum aestivum field we found an increase of 15% of the yields (grains and vegetative biomass for grazing) in 30% ants' nests cover. In rangelands we got a yearly continuant increase
of 0.5-1% of SOM and for other fertility parameters as nutrients and vegetative biomass an increase of 30% per year caused by their nest-sink functioning and their soil loosening. In cultivated soil terraces the ants encouraged the herbaceous vegetal growth by their soil loosening, accumulated organic matter and enriched clay content.
Conclusion & Significance: Using adequate soil practices which do not interfere with ants’ activity will accelerate rehabilitation, sustainable and profitable cultivation use for many degraded arid lands all over the globe.

  • Rice & Wheat Research | Plant Biotechnology | Plant Pathology | Entomology

Session Introduction

S Leelavathi

International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, India

Title: Efficient transformation of submergence tolerant deep-water rice of North-East India and fast recovery of transgenic plants

S Leelavathi has completed her PhD in Anther Cultures of different Brassica spp. and has equal expertise in rice anther culture and haploid generation at Bose Institute, Kolkata, India. At ICGEB, New Delhi, she is focusing on chloroplast transformation and expression of foreign genes including several cellulolytic enzymes, which resulted in several original papers and patents. She is also specialized in nuclear transformation techniques of different plants including rice, cotton, tomato, lentil, etc. Her research in cotton regeneration using metabolic stress and transformation using embryogenic callus as explants for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation is an important landmark not only in cotton biotechnology, but other crops as well. Presently, she is interested in use of plant produced cellulolytic enzymes in biofuel research and submergence tolerance in rice and transformation in pulses.


Rice is an important staple food for more than two billion people worldwide. Huge losses occur due to biotic and abiotic stresses. Submergence due to flash floods or heavy rains is a major abiotic stress affecting productivity of rice in low-lying areas. In northeast region of India well known for major genetic diversity of rice, several varieties are submergent tolerant for long periods. There are at least two different mechanisms involved in the submergence tolerance in rice, one mediated by Snorkel pathway and the other by Sub1 pathways. In order to characterize the functional role of each of the gene(s) involved in the submergence tolerance in these pathways, efficient transformation methods are needed for these genotypes. Here we present data on efficient transformation of two deep-water rice of North-East region of India namely Taothabi and Khongan. Transgenic rice plants that can be grown in the
greenhouse were obtained in 35-45 days starting from the callus induction and co-cultivation by Agrobacterium. Molecular analysis confirmed stable integration and expression of reporter GUS gene. In addition to over express or down regulate genes involved in submergence tolerance, the methods developed will accelerate the functional validation of candidate genes identified through genomics studies.


Yildiz Aydin has completed her PhD degree from Marmara University, Department of Biology in 2003. Her expertise lies in plant tissue culture and application of PCR-based molecular markers to plant germplasm. Her current research work involves researching haploid plant production protocols for sunflower


Haploid plants that inherit chromosomes from only one parent significantly facilitate the search and selection of favorable genes and the development of breeding genotypes. Haploidization techniques facilitate the production of pure lines from heterozygous plants in a single generation and represent significant advantages for plant breeders. Haploids can be induced by in vivo or in vitro methods. The in vitro methods that have been developed to induce embryogenesis are androgenesis, gynogenesis including parthenogenesis induced primarily by pollination with irradiated pollen followed by embryo rescue. Cultivated sunflower is a globally important oilseed, food, and ornamental crop. The main objective of the study on the production of haploid sunflower plants is to accelerate breeding programs through the use of homozygous broomrape and herbicide-resistant double haploid lines.
The influence of pollen irradiation on the production of in vitro haploid plants from in situ induced haploid embryos was investigated in sunflower. Immature flower buds of the ovule donors were emasculated prior to anthesis and were bagged to avoid unwanted outcrossing. Pollinations were carried out on field plants, bagged before anthesis. For pollen inactivation were applied the gamma
60Co irradiation doses: 500 Gy, 1000 Gy and 1500 Gy. Irradiated pollens were used for pollinating the flower buds of the ovule donor. 14-16 days after pollination, immature embryos were observed on binocular microscope for detecting the embryo stage and then transferred to four different MS medium without any plant growth regulators to facilitate the maturation and development of plants. Concerning the number of embryos formed were obtained in pollen inactivation with doses 750 and1000 Gy. Nuclear DNA content of control (diploid) and haploid sunflower plants were evaluated by chromosome analysis and flow cytometry having “n” number of
chromosome set. 


Ahu Altinkut UncuoÄŸlu is currently working as Faculty of Engineering, Department of Bioengineering, Marmara University. She has completed her PhD at TUBITAK Marmara Research Center in 2001. Her research interest and specializations include biotic (plant diseases) and abiotic (drought and salt stresses) stress tolerance in crops at molecular level, molecular breeding, Marker Assisted Selection (MAS) studies in plant breeding, plant tissue culture and haploid plant production, association mapping and DNA barcoding studies in plants, understanding plant biodiversity at molecular level, technology transfer and university-industry relations in biotechnology area.


Marker-assisted breeding is defined as the application of molecular markers in combination with linkage maps and genomics, to alter and improve plant traits on the basis of genotypic assays. Yellow rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici, is one of the major devastating factors worldwide in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). It is vital to identify associated DNA markers for Yr
genes that can be used for marker assisted selection in wheat breeding programs to develop new cultivars with higher resistance. Here we report on the identification of six polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based DNA markers (Xgwm382, Xgwm311, wmc658, PK54, BU099658, C6) linked with yellow rust resistance. Another issue requiring marker-assisted breeding are resistance for Plasmopara halstedii responsible for downy mildew disease and Orobanche cumana, holoparasitic plant called as sunflower broomrape, lead to
loss of yield discount up to 100%. Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers linked with Pl8, Pl13 and Plarg resistance genes for downy mildew disease in combination with competitive allele specific PCR (KASP) assay which is a fluorescent tagged allele specific PCR method that is more efficient way to determine SNPs like insertions and deletions than other PCR techniques were identified. SNP markers (NSA2220 and NSA2251 for Pl8 gene, NSA0052 and NSA0354 for Pl13 gene, NSA2867 and NSA6138 for Plarg gene) were found discriminative among resistant and susceptible parents and their F2 populations. Also, evaluation of O. cumana races by KASP assay has been performed and SNP197 marker converted from the one SSR marker (Ocum-197), was found as a distinctive marker for O. cumana races. All these efforts mentioned above show the potential use and power of PCR-based and sequence-based DNA markers in plant breeding programs particularly for disease resistance in wheat and sunflower.


Pooran Chand has expertise in teaching and development of wheat and rice varieties with reference to heat and drought tolerant through conventional and nonconventional methods. He has published more than 50 research papers in different reputed research journals and associated in the development and releasing of 14 varieties in different crops.


The effects of heat stress on wheat are dependent on the intensity, type and duration of the stress. High temperature represents a major constraint affecting wheat, particularly at the reproductive stage, in many parts of the world. While a systematic understanding of the physiological basis of differences in heat tolerance of wheat cultivars are lacking, a number of physiological traits
are associated with performance under heat stress and may be used to increase selection efficiency. Therefore, the present study was aimed to investigate the relationship between canopy temperature depression, membrane thermo-stability and other physiological traits with grain yield and yield-contributing traits under heat stress environments in wheat and identification of suitable genotypes for higher production and productivity in the target environments. An experiment was conducted during winter season of 2015-16 using 48 diverse wheat genotypes with three dates of sowing (15 November, 15 December and 5 January) to assess the relationship of physiological parameters with grain yield under heat-stress environments. The analysis of normal, late and very late sowing, revealed that all the characters showed sufficient amount of variability in all three environments among all the genotypes under study
and gives ample scope for further selection of the traits under consideration. Maximum variation was observed for characters, like canopy temperature depression and membrane injury. Most of the characters had high heritability (broad sense) in pooled analysis. Traits, like canopy temperature depression (at anthesis), canopy temperature depression (10 days after anthesis), membrane injury, had high heritability estimates and which can be utilized as selection criteria in stress environments. Grain yield showed positive and significant genotypic correlation coefficients with canopy temperature depression at anthesis, canopy temperature depression at 10 days after anthesis and membrane injury per cent. Based on the genotypic coefficient of variation, phenotypic coefficient of variation, genetic advance and heritability, the traits canopy temperature depression at anthesis, canopy temperature depression at 10 days after anthesis, membrane injury percent and relative water content can be used as selection criteria for improving the grain yield heat tress environment.

  • Organic Farming | Rice & Wheat Research | Agriculture Engineering & Its Applications | Agricultural Biotechnology & Agro-forestry | Plant Diversity, Conservation and Use | Post-Harvest Technology | Plant Biotechnology | Food and Nutrients

Prae-ravee K-hasuwan is currently working at Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Thailand and has expertise in organic agriculture standard, sustainableagricultural development, and agricultural land reform. Her working model focuses on promoting farmers in land reform areas of Thailand to be self-sufficient andto have a better living. She has operated the model through research, monitoring, and evaluation.


Statement of the Problem: Farmers who are members of a Lat Bua Luang Community Rice Center (LBLCRC) in land reform area, Ayutthaya province, central Thailand, used conventional farming techniques and did not have enough profit to feed their family members. They then switched to organic rice cultivation to reduce their production costs and initiated organic vegetable production to boost their income using Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS). PGS can improve local organic farming practices through the sharing of knowledge and experiences. PGS certification also has less administration and lower costs than third party certification. However, PGS is not prevalent in Thailand because most producers and consumers lack understanding of its processes and advantages. This study thus aims to examine the outcome of organic group processing and the interaction between the LBLCRC-member farmers and other stakeholders from participating in PGS.

Methodology & Theoretical Orientation: Collaborative action research using a concept of empowerment theory was conducted to promote the organic group processing and the ability to control selling prices. The face-to-face interviews and focus group discussions were also taken place during data collection procedures.

Findings: The participation in PGS can improve organic group process skills of the LBLCRC-member farmers and strengthen them to have better access to domestic markets rather than limiting their organic products into a local niche market.

Conclusion & Significance: PGS may be a promising alternative for smallholder farmers to develop organic group processing and to increase market accessibility. Further studies in the way to scale up other land reform areas under organic farming using PGS should be emphasized


Pooran Chand

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture & Technology, India

Title: Molecular characterization of rice (Oryza sativa L.) germplasm using SSR marker

Pooran Chand has expertise in teaching and development of wheat and rice varieties with reference to heat and drought tolerant through conventional and nonconventional methods. He is currently teaching Postgraduate and PhD courses on Principles of Quantitative Genetics and Advanced Biometrical and Quantitative
Genetics. He has published more than 50 research papers in different reputed research journals and is associated with the development and releasing of 14
varieties in different crops well adopted by the farmers.


Molecular marker technologies can assist conventional breeding efforts and are valuable tools for analysis of genetics relatednessand the identifications and selection of desirable genotypes for crossing as well as for germplasm conservation in gene banks. The objectives of the present investigation were to evaluate genetic divergence, molecular characterization of 30 rice genotypes using twenty SSR markers and to evaluate the efficiency of SSR markers. Among the used 20 primers, only 15 primers amplified well and revealed polymorphic bands, whereas, remaining 5 primers showed no reaction in PCR amplification. The allele length for these 15 primers varied from 100 to 500 bp. Total of 20 alleles were detected in 30 rice genotypes and number of alleles per locus ranged from 1 to 3 with an average of 1.93 per locus. The highest number of alleles (3.0) was detected in the locus RM1, RM2-, RM26 and the lowest number of alleles (1.0) was detected from RM22, RM 138, RM182 and RM 189. The PIC (Polymorphism Information Content) values for different SSR loci across the 30 rice genotypes ranged from 0.066 (RM138 and RM 182) to 0.9 (RM31) with an average of 0.605. The PIC values indicate that RM31 might be the best marker for diversity analysis. Resolving power of the microsatellite markers used ranging from 1.6332 (RM20) to 4.3664 (RM26) with an average of 2.4686. Jaccard’s similarity coefficient revealed that Punjab Basmati 3 and Vallabh Basmati 24 were ascertained to be the genetically divergent from the other genotypes. The similarity coefficient values indicated, a wide genetic base of 30 genotypes used in the experiment. The resolving power and PIC value of primers shows that they are highly polymorphic and informative. The result derived from the analysis of genetic diversity at DNA level could be used for designing effective breeding programs aiming to broaden the genetic basis of commercially grown varieties.