Call for Abstract

11th World Congress on Plant Biotechnology & Agriculture, will be organized around the theme “Innovations and Advancements in Plant & Agricultural Research”

Agri World 2018 is comprised of 42 tracks and 100 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Agri World 2018.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

In simplest terms, sustainable agriculture is the production of food, fiber, or other plant or animal products using farming techniques that protect the environment, public health, human communities, and animal welfare.  This form of agriculture enables us to produce healthful food without compromising future generations' ability to do the same. The basic goals of sustainable agriculture are environmental health, economic profitability, and social and economic equity

Plant biotechnology is a set of techniques used to adapt plants for specific needs or opportunities. Plant Biotechnology applies technological methods to boliogical organisms. Plant biotechnology can be defined as the introduction of desirable traits into plants through genetic modification.

·         Plant Functional Biology and Biotechnology.

·         Plant pathology and immunology.

·         Plant micropropagation.

·         Seed, fruit & reproductive plant biotechnology

·         Parasitology.

Soil gives biological system important to plants and creature life. Agronomy is the utilization of joined sciences like science, science, financial aspects, nature, earth science, and hereditary qualities. Agronomy is a science and a practice that looks at agriculture from an integrated, holistic perspective. Agronomy is presently a critical examination field for researchers to think about the conduct of plant in various ecological conditions including atmosphere, soil sort and water system, treatment and so on. Crop science is the branch of agriculture study which deals with various sections such as crop breeding and genetics; crop physiology and metabolism; crop ecology, production, and management; seed physiology, production, and technology; turfgrass science; crop ecology, management, and quality; genomics, molecular genetics, and biotechnology; plant genetics resources; biomedical, health beneficial, and nutritionally enhanced plants, and pest management.

  • Track 3-1Soil fertility & plant nutrition
  • Track 3-2Soil chemistry
  • Track 3-3Soils & environmental quality
  • Track 3-4Forage crop & grass science
  • Track 3-5Efficient crop production methods

Vast number of changes has been observed in global climate over the past century. The nature and causes of these changes have been comprehensively chronicled in a variety of latest reports, such as those by the U.S. Climate Change Science Program and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change .The Earth’s climate depends on the functioning of a natural “greenhouse effect.” This effect is the result of heat-trapping gases (also known as greenhouse gases) like water vapour, ozone, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide, which absorb the heat radiated from the Earth’s surface and lower atmosphere and then radiate most of the energy back towards the surface. Without this natural greenhouse effect, the surface temperature of the Earth would be about 15.5°C colder. However, increasing activities by humans have been releasing additional heat-trapping gases, intensifying the natural greenhouse effect, thereby changing the Earth’s climate

Global temperatures are markedly rising over this century; by how much and for how long, it depends on a number of factors, which include the amount of heat-trapping gas emissions and how sensitive is the climate to those emissions.

  • Track 5-1Global Climate Change Human Impact
  • Track 5-2Global Climate Change Potential Effects
  • Track 5-3Global climate change Greenhouse gas
  • Track 5-4Soil Carbon Sequestration Impacts on Global Climate Change
  • Track 5-5Dynamic Responses of Terrestrial Ecosystem Carbon Cycling
  • Track 5-6Herbivory in Global Climate Change Research
  • Track 5-7Ecological Restoration and Global Climate Change

Agricultural technology refers to technology for the production of machines used on a farm to help with farming. Agricultural technology is among the most revolutionary and impactful areas of modern technology, driven by the fundamental need for food and for feeding an ever-growing population.

Biological solutions to real-world problems come to life in the Applied Plant Sciences.It also focuses with a cellular and molecular emphasis underpinning fundamental understanding of plant physiology.

Crop Protection is the science and routine of overseeing plant ailments, weeds and different vermin (both vertebrate and invertebrate) that harm agrarian yields and ranger service. Agrarian yields incorporate field crops (maize, wheat, rice, and so on.), vegetable harvests (potatoes, cabbages, and so on.) and natural products. The yields in field are presented to numerous elements. The yield plants might be harmed by creepy crawlies, fowls, rodents, microscopic organisms, and so on. Crop security is the study and routine of overseeing nuisances, plant illnesses, weeds and other unsafe living beings that harm agrarian products and ranger service and in this manner influence monetary quality and agri-market.

  • Pesticides and fertilizers
  • Bio fertilizers, Bio pesticides
  • Crop genetics and breeding
  • Seed technology
  • Plant protection and fertilization
  • Weed control practices and methods
  • Application of Taxonomy Pest/Disease management, Integrated pest management
  • Herbicide
  • Track 8-1Pesticides and fertilizers
  • Track 8-2Bio fertilizers, Bio pesticides
  • Track 8-3Crop genetics and breeding
  • Track 8-4Seed technology
  • Track 8-5Plant protection and fertilization
  • Track 8-6Weed control practices and methods
  • Track 8-7Application of Taxonomy Pest/Disease management, Integrated pest management
  • Track 8-8Herbicide

Biotechnology is used in many ways in agriculture. Agricultural biotechnology deals with the tools to increase the yield of plant as well as animal products, while reducing the costs of production. Agricultural biotechnology can also include production of plants such as orchids for ornamental purposes and plants that can be used for fuel production (biofuels). Agricultural biotechnology is an area of science involving the use of different scientific tools and latest techniques, including genetic engineering, molecular markers, molecular diagnostics, vaccines, and tissue culture, to modify living organisms: plants, animals, and microorganisms and many more. Crop Biotechnology is one part of Agricultural Biotechnology which has been greatly developed upon in recent days.

·         Molecular Technology

·         Stress Resistance

·         Agricultural Processing

·         Plant molecular biology Bonsai cultivation

·         Biomass utilization

·         Forest ecology & biodiversity

·         Landscape restoration and agroforestry

·         Applications of agroforestry: alley cropping, strip cropping, etc.,


  • Track 9-1Molecular Technology
  • Track 9-2Stress Resistance
  • Track 9-3Agricultural Processing
  • Track 9-4Plant molecular biology Bonsai cultivation
  • Track 9-5Biomass utilization
  • Track 9-6Landscape restoration and agroforestry
  • Track 9-7Applications of agro-forestry: alley cropping, strip cropping, etc.,

Rice is the staple food of over half the world's population. It is the predominant dietary energy source for 17 countries in Asia and the Pacific, 9 countries in North and South America and 8 countries in Africa. Rice provides 20% of the world’s dietary energy supply, while wheat supplies 19% and maize (corn) 5%.It has been estimated that half the world's population subsists wholly or partially on rice. Ninety percent of the world crop is grown and consumed in Asia. Rice, wheat, and maize are the three leading food crops in the world; together they directly supply more than 50% of all calories consumed by the entire human population.

·         Hybrid rice

·         Basmati rice

·         Brown rice

·         Rice diseases

·         Golden rice

·         Arsenic content in rice

  • Track 13-1Basmati rice
  • Track 13-2Hybrid rice
  • Track 13-3Brown rice
  • Track 13-4Rice diseases
  • Track 13-5Golden rice
  • Track 13-6Arsenic content in rice
  • Track 13-7Microencapsulation in food

Weed science is the study of vegetation management in agricultural production systems, natural areas, and managed properties in residential and urban areas. It involves the development of knowledge in a variety of areas, including weed biology, taxonomy and ecology, biological control, cropping systems, integrated management systems, conservation tillage, transgenic crop tolerance, precision technology, and herbicides.

Plant science encompasses the study of the life and development of edible, ornamental and native vegetation, including grasses, vines, shrubs and trees. It also includes the areas of soils and irrigation, biotechnology, plant pathology, weed science, crop management, plant ecology and crop biochemistry. The scope of the plant science ranges from developing molecular techniques for genetic engineering to ecological research in the field of plant science. Ultimately the natural products want to contribute to a fundamental knowledge of basic biological processes related to development and health and the sustainable production of more healthy foods, flowers, and high-value biobased products. Soil science is a branch of agriculture studies that deals with the study of edaphic conditions as they relate to the production of food and fiber. In this context, it is also a constituent of the field of agronomy and is thus also described as soil agronomy.

  • Plant tissue culture
  • Plant physiology and biochemistry
  • Plant pathology and plant-micro-biology
  • Plant breeding
  • Plant science and natural products
  • Plant genomics
  • Medicinal and aromatic plant sciences
  • Plant synthetic biology and plant transcriptome

Agriculture conference focus on the topic Agriculture Engineering. Agricultural Engineering is developed to make advances in sustainable agriculture which is totally eco-friendly. By the middle of the 20th century, Agricultural Engineering evolved into four types of activity like Power and machinery, Irrigation and drainage, Farm structures and environment, Processing and electrification. Most Agricultural Engineering focused on biological engineering, efficient use of irrigation water, renewable energy and environmental issues. Agricultural Engineering is facing three great challenges: Food safety and Food security, protecting the species and natural resources and reduced employment status. Agricultural Engineering is focused on engineering skills and technologies that take a strong approach to current problems. Food security and crop production will be much stronger if Agricultural Engineering can be developed appropriately.

1.       Agro-technical processes

2.       Processes and machines of agro-engineering systems

3.       Agricultural machinery

4.       Precision farming, Remote Sensing and Agri GIS

5.       Agricultural Advanced Machines

  • Track 16-1Agro-technical processes
  • Track 16-2Processes and machines of agro-engineering systems
  • Track 16-3Agricultural machinery
  • Track 16-4Precision farming, Remote Sensing and Agri GIS
  • Track 16-5Agricultural Advanced Machines

Natural Resources Management deals with the sustainable utilization of major natural resources, such as land, water, air, minerals, forests, fisheries, and flora and fauna present on the planet. Together, these resources provide the ecosystem services that are responsible for human life on this planet.  While poverty alleviation and sustainable NRM are generally compatible, difficult trade-offs may occur at several times. Nevertheless the fact remains that without poverty alleviation, the environment in developing countries will continue to degrade, and without better NRM, poverty alleviation will be undermined. The natural-resources foundation is coming under increasing pressure from increasing population and higher levels of per-capita economic activity together. During the period 50 years (1990 to 2030) the world’s population is likely to grow by 3.8 billion. 90% of this increase will occur in developing countries. Over the next four decades Sub-Saharan Africa’s population is expected to touch a rise in population from 500 million to 1.4 billion while as Asia’s from 3.1 billion to 5.1 billion, and Latin America from 450 million to 750 million. The distribution of people between rural and urban areas has important implications for the types of stress placed on the environment. In 1990 most people lived in rural areas, but by 2030 the urban population is expected to be twice the size of the rural population. Developing countries and cities, as a group, are expected to grow by 160% over the  period, whereas rural populations will grow by only 10%.Integrated natural resource management  is a process of managing natural resources in a systematic way, which indulges multiple aspects of natural resource use (biophysical, socio-political, and economic) meet  goals regarding production of producers and other direct users (e.g., food security, profitability, risk aversion) as well as goals of the wider community (e.g., poverty alleviation, welfare of future generations, environmental conservation). It focuses on sustainability and at the same time tries to incorporate all possible stakeholders from the planning level itself, reducing possible future conflicts.

·         New Perspectives for Sustainable Natural Resources Management

·         Natural Resources Management Watershed

·         Natural Resources Management Biodiversity

·         Natural Resources Management Forestry

·         Agriculture Natural Resources Management

  • Track 17-1New Perspectives for Sustainable Natural Resources Management
  • Track 17-2Natural Resources Management Watershed
  • Track 17-3Natural Resources Management Biodiversity
  • Track 17-4Natural Resources Management Forestry
  • Track 17-5Agriculture Natural Resources Management

Food nanotechnology is a branch of nanotechnology concerned with the application of nanotechnology to food or food packaging so as to extend the life or safety of food, to detect harmful bacteria, or to produce stronger flavours. Nanotechnology has begun to find potential applications in the area of functional food by engineering biological molecules toward functions very different from those they have in nature, opening up a whole new area of research and development. Food is nanofood when nanoparticles, nanotechnology techniques or tools are used during cultivation, production, processing, or packaging of the food. It does not mean atomically modified food or food produced by nanomachines.

·         Nano food

·         Nano technology and safety assessment in food industry

·         Microencapsulation in food

·         Nano technology in pest control

·         Nano sensors for food production

·         Nano inside - Delivery systems

·         Nano outside - functional food packaging

·         Nano composites for food packaging

·         Edible food packaging

  • Track 19-1Forest ecology & biodiversity
  • Track 19-2Nano food
  • Track 19-3Nano technology and safety assessment in food industry
  • Track 19-4Nano technology in pest control
  • Track 19-5Nano sensors for food production
  • Track 19-6Nano inside - Delivery systems
  • Track 19-7Nano outside - functional food packaging
  • Track 19-8Nano composites for food packaging
  • Track 19-9Edible food packaging
  • Track 19-10Soil & water management & conservation

Agribusiness is the business of agricultural production. The part of the economy devoted to the production, processing, and distribution of food, including the financial institutions that fund these activities. Agribusiness emphasizes agriculture as a big business rather than as the work of small family farms.Transformation of agriculture into a business activity has created a demand for professional management and use of modern technologies in areas such as specialised production, post-harvest management, promotion of value added agri products, supply chain management, marketing etc. so as to position these competitively both in the domestic as well as in international markets.

·         Crop cultivation systems

·         Agricultural Economics

·         Production-enabling resources: the resource pool

·         Final product-generating enterprises

·         Resource-generating activities

·         Crop statistics

·         Shifting cultivation

·         Agricultural Production Systems

  • Track 20-1Crop cultivation systems
  • Track 20-2Agricultural Economics
  • Track 20-3Production-enabling resources: the resource pool
  • Track 20-4Final product-generating enterprises
  • Track 20-5Resource-generating activities
  • Track 20-6Crop statistics
  • Track 20-7Shifting cultivation
  • Track 20-8Agricultural Production Systems

   A greenhouse is a structure with walls and roof made chiefly of transparent material, such as glass, in which plants requiring regulated climatic conditions are grown. These structures range in size from small sheds to industrial-sized buildings. A miniature greenhouse is known as a cold frame. The interior of a greenhouse exposed to sunlight becomes significantly warmer than the external ambient temperature, protecting its contents in cold weather. The primary crops grown in greenhouses include: pepper, tomato, cucumber, lettuce, herbs, and strawberry. Horticulture is the branch of agriculture that deals with the art, science, technology, and business of growing plants. It includes the cultivation of medicinal plants, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, herbs, sprouts, mushrooms, algae, flowers, seaweeds and non-food crops such as grass and ornamental trees and plants. Horticulturists apply their knowledge, skills, and technologies used to grow intensively produced plants for human food and non-food uses and for personal or social need. Greenhouse Horticulture is a unique agro-system and is an important economic, It is the only production method that can significantly control abiotic and biotic factors. The advances in this field are due to a steady flow of innovative technological approaches. In this way, for example, detailed investigations of the regulation of organ formation can be directly related to improved control techniques in production situations. The study of the economics of plant production systems and marketing also contributes to the success of the sector.

  • Track 23-1Arboriculture
  • Track 23-2Tropical and subtropical fruits
  • Track 23-3Medicinal and aromatic plants
  • Track 23-4Turf management
  • Track 23-5Seed physiology
  • Track 23-6Ornamental plants
  • Track 23-7Floriculture

Livestock Farming is an agricultural practice to produce commodities such as food, fibre, leather, wool and labor by raising domestic animals like poultry, cow, cattle, fish and other mammals. In recent years, livestock farming is very well managed as animals are provided with proper nutritional food and shelter. Nowadays stress management is also a part of livestock farming as it finally improve product yield and quality. Pigs and poultry are reared intensively in indoor environments. However, indoor animal farming has often been criticized for multiple reasons - on grounds of pollution and for animal welfare reasons. Livestock farming plays a major role in the agricultural business and economy of major developing countries. They take an important part in crop agriculture. Most farms in the developing world are too small to avail tractor or other machinery facilities and their main alternative is animal power. The innumerable benefits of livestock farming can positively effect in a growth of agronomy, agro-economy, biological ecosystem and other agricultural fields.

·         Livestock production systems

·         Intensive livestock farming

·         Sustainable livestock farming

·         Genetic engineering in animal farming

·         Animal science

·         Cloning and genetic improvement

·         Implications for veterinarians


  • Track 26-1Livestock production systems
  • Track 26-2Intensive livestock farming
  • Track 26-3Sustainable livestock farming
  • Track 26-4Genetic engineering in animal farming
  • Track 26-5Animal science
  • Track 26-6Cloning and genetic improvement
  • Track 26-7Implications for veterinarians

Nutrition plays a great role in our daily life. The food or liquids affect our body and health because each food or liquid contain particular nutrition which is very necessary for our physical and mental growth. A particular level of any particular nutrition is essential for our body. So we should know that what food we have to take, how much and what type of nutrition contain a particular food. The right foundation to good health is to choose food products that are rich in nutrients and have a balanced amount of nutrients like vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates and a little bit of fat as well. Eating a balanced diet is vital for good health and wellbeing. Food policy & applied nutrition

·         Plant, Environmental nutrition

·         Agro-food technology

·         Food chemistry & microbiology

·         Food technology

  • Track 27-1Agro-food technology
  • Track 27-2Plant, Environmental nutrition
  • Track 27-3Food chemistry & microbiology
  • Track 27-4Food technology

The energy stored in biomass also termed as organic matter is called bioenergy. This energy has generally been produced through the process of photosynthesis or is an organic by-product from a waste stream. Bioenergy can be used to provide heat, make fuels, and generate electricity. Wood, which people have used to cook and keep warm for thousands of years, is the biomass resource people are most familiar with. Today there are also many other types of biomass we can use to produce energy. These biomass resources, also known as feedstocks, include agricultural, forest and livestock residues; energy crops; aquatic plants; landfill gas and wastes produced by cities and factories. Recent innovations are making it cheaper and easier to make biofuels. Advanced biofuels made from sustainable feedstocks such as wood, straw and waste are being developed here and overseas. Energy conservation can be made through the several methods or application of bioenergy in day to day life style. Bioenergy is the sustainable renewable energy source which will become a support towards global energy conservation.


·         Thermochemical conversion of biomass

·         Energy and alteration for fertilizer and pesticide use

·         New technology- energy implication

·         Energy analysis in agricultural system

·         Green technology

·         Renewable Energy and various methods

·         Energy conservation techniques

  • Track 28-1Thermochemical conversion of biomass
  • Track 28-2Energy and alteration for fertilizer and pesticide use
  • Track 28-3New technology- energy implication
  • Track 28-4Energy analysis in agricultural system
  • Track 28-5Green technology and biofuel
  • Track 28-6Renewable Energy and various methods
  • Track 28-7Energy conservation techniques

One Health is the integrative effort of multiple disciplines working locally, nationally, and globally to attain optimal health for people, animals, and the environment. One Health recognizes that the health of humans, animals and ecosystems are interconnected. It involves applying a coordinated, collaborative, multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral approach to address potential or existing risks that originate at the animal-human-ecosystems interface.

Organic farming is an alternative agricultural system which originated early in the 20th Century in reaction to rapidly changing farming practices. An organic farm, properly speaking, is not one that uses certain methods and substances and avoids others; it is a farm whose structure is formed in imitation of the structure of a natural system that has the integrity, the independence and the benign dependence of an organism. Organic farming methods combine scientific knowledge of ecology and modern technology with traditional farming practices based on naturally occurring biological processes. Organic farming methods are studied in the field of agro ecology. The principal methods of organic farming include crop rotation, green manures and compost, biological pest control, and mechanical cultivation. These measures use the natural environment to enhance agricultural productivity: legumes are planted to fix nitrogen into the soil, natural insect predators are encouraged, crops are rotated to confuse pests and renew soil, and natural materials such as potassium bicarbonate and mulches are used to control disease and weeds.

  • Sustainable Organic Agriculture
  • Chemical Intensive Organic Agriculture
  • Organic Agriculture Yields
  • Organic Plant breeding
  • Organic Agriculture Farming
  • Track 33-1Sustainable Organic Agriculture
  • Track 33-2Chemical Intensive Organic Agriculture
  • Track 33-3Organic Agriculture Yields
  • Track 33-4Organic Plant breeding
  • Track 33-5Organic Agriculture Farming
  • Track 40-1Plant tissue culture
  • Track 40-2Plant physiology and biochemistry
  • Track 40-3Plant pathology and plant-micro-biology
  • Track 40-4Plant breeding
  • Track 40-5Plant science and natural products
  • Track 40-6Plant genomics
  • Track 40-7Medicinal and aromatic plant sciences
  • Track 40-8Plant synthetic biology and plant transcriptome